My journey through life on a Budget shared with friends and family. Find deals on the go through my facebook page and pinterest!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Need help with food? Or want to help?


If times are tough for you, you can get help! There are many places in Seattle area and neighboring cities that can help you with food, transportation, counseling, etc. Many places even have a summer food program feeding children free lunch at local parks! Look HERE!

My local food bank offers food, clothing, free summer kid lunches, and starting tomorrow is offering help with back to school items such as backpacks and school supplies!

Couponing can really help save money, but don't be afraid to GET HELP!


Your local food banks can really use any extra items! If you score many free items from couponing, don't forget to share with those in need! They also can use volunteers, so check with your local food bank for more info! Look HERE!

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