
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Low carb, sugar free iced coffee recipe

Low Carb Sugar Free Iced Coffee

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So I have been eating healthy and watching carbs and sugar intake (and I am down 20 lbs. whoooo hooooo:)
Ok....maybe I shouldn't have drank the coffee before writing this post....but anyhow, I want to share my favorite iced coffee drink with you!
It only has 3 grams of carbs and sugar for a Grande (16oz) or 5 grams of carbs and sugar for a Vente (20oz).

Cold brewed coffee
*coffee ice cubes
french vanilla coffee creamer (sugar free)

To start out you want to make 2 pots of coffee and transfer it to a pot to cool, then transfer it to the fridge to keep cool (about 2 hours).
Then you want to take 4 cubes of ice cube trays and fill with some of the cool coffee, and place in the freezer. When frozen, remove and place in a gallon zip lock bag and leave in the freezer:) Then you can transfer the remaining cool coffee to a pitcher to leave in the fridge.

Then in a glass, fill half way with ice cubes, add 2tbls. creamer and fill with coffee. Stir, add Splenda if you like it sweet! Walla! You have a nice cool coffee drink in the afternoon!

*I will also make coffee ice cubes if there is left over coffee from the morning. After it cools I will transfer to ice cube trays. Once frozen transfer to a gallon freezer zip lock baggie for later!

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