
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treating Tips

1.) Map out your route. Little kids feet (and parents feet) can get tired. Do not stray too far away where you can not get back with out tears or sore feet! This also helps avoid getting lost!
2.)  Wear comfy warm clothes. Some outfits are adorable, but can be uncomfortable or a bit chilly for the long hours outside. make sure you have layers and comfy shoes:) Also be aware of long costumes that can cause your child to trip!
3.) Keep well lit. There are many cute glow in the dark items for kids. A flashlight is a good idea if your neighborhood has dark areas. Keeping well lit keeps you and your kids safe.
4.) Communication. If you have older children that are going alone, have them bring a cell phone to keep in contact with you.
5.) Be prepared for weather. If you have really small children, there are many malls and surrounding areas that have warm fun trick or treating for young kids for a few hours in the evening. Here in Seattle you can check out this website. If you are going to tackle the weather, bring gloves, hats, umbrella to keep dry.
6.) Safe houses. Only go to houses that have a porch light on or lights on inside.
7.) Check Candy. Before your child starts chowing away on their candy, dump it out and inspect it. If any wrappers look open or tampered with throw it away. Also do not accept candy that is out of its wrapper and put into another container.

Have fun and stay safe!


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